95-year-old expert who has spent his life researching reveals 4 things that are “cancer seeds” hidden in everyday life

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Many people think that cancer is a disease that “occurs out of nowhere,” but in reality, the seeds of this disease have always been lurking in our daily lives.

cancer seeds

Professor Sun Yan, born in 1929 in Hebei, China, is a clinical oncologist and director of the Center for New Cancer Drug Research at the National Cancer Center. With 62 years of cancer research experience, he recently shared important perspectives on the disease in the สมัคร ufabet media, saying that cancer is not a disease that suddenly occurs, but its seeds have been quietly nurtured in each person’s daily life.

Cancer is preventable

Fortunately, cancer is preventable. The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that one-third of all cancers are preventable. Sun Yan warns that maintaining good lifestyle habits is important for cancer prevention. If you want to avoid cancer, you should avoid the following four things:

1. Smoking 

Sun Yan said that he had never seen anyone die from quitting smoking, but many people die from smoking-related diseases every day. Smoking is not only harmful to health, but also an unethical and socially inappropriate behavior, because cigarette smoke seriously affects the health of people around them.

2. Unhealthy eating behaviors

Sun Yan believes that cancer is a “disease of wealth”, which is often associated with unhealthy eating habits over the long term. Consuming too much fat and high-calorie foods leads to obesity, and obesity increases the risk of 13 types of cancer, including stomach, colon and liver cancer.

3. Chronic infection 

Chronic infections are a major cause of cancer, for example, hepatitis B and C viruses cause liver cancer, HPV infection causes cervical cancer, and Helicobacter pylori bacteria causes stomach cancer.

4. Drinking too much alcohol

Sun Yan said that long-term alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer because acetaldehyde, a byproduct of alcohol, can damage DNA and cause cancer in the long term.

Avoiding these 4 things, along with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, can help reduce your cancer risk and promote overall health sustainably.